“Translating Stigma in the Postcolonial Context” in IATIS South Asian Regional Workshop on Translating Disability Across Cultures: The Translation and Representation of Disability in the Modern Indian Short Story, 14-16 September, 2016, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
“Jotiba Phule’s Inversion of the Aryan Theory of Race in Gulamgiri” presented in Violets in a Crucible: Translation in the 19th century, organized by the University of Grenoble, Alps and Jawaharlal University, Delhi during June 22-24, 2016 at Grenoble, France.
“Language as Contestation: Jotiba Phule’s Interventions in the Bilingual Public Sphere of 19th century Maharashtra” presented in the Annual Conference of the American Comparative Literature Association organized by ACLA during March 17-20, 2016 in the University of Harvard, Boston, USA.
"Modern Quests, Ancient Lore: Reading Poetry in English from Northeast India" presented in National Seminar on "Emergent Identities: Its Literary Representations" during 4-6 March, 2015 organized by Department of English, Mizoram University in collaboration with ICSSR (with Rajashree Bargohain).
“The City at the Margins: A reading of Rohinton Mistry’s A Fine Balance” at the international Annual Conference on “Space, Place, Travel, Displacement, Exile” organized by the IACLALS in collaboration with BITS, Goa Campus during 12-14 February 2015 (with Kalpana Bora).
“Anthropocentrism or Biocentrism: Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide as Green Postcolonialism”, presented in international conference “Towards Ecocultural Ethics: recent trends and future directions” organized by BITS, Goa Campus in collaboration with Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, USA during 9-11, October 2014 (with Abhigyan Prasad).
“Envisioning a Modern Assamese Society: A Study of Jyotiprasad Agarwalla’s Khanikar in the national seminar on Modernity and Indian Theatre, Gauhati University, September 27-28, 2013. (with Rajashree Borgohain)
“Locating Polyphony: A Study of the Ramayana in Assam” at the international conference on “Bakhtin in India: Exploring the Dialogic Potential in Self, Culture and History, Central University of Gujarat, India, August 19-21, 2013. (with Rajashree Borgohain)
“The Cultural Citizen in Bharati Mukherjee’s Novels” at the international conference on Contemporary English Studies: Society, Culture and Language, Assam University, Silchar, March 6-8, 2013. (with Monalisha Saikia)
Invited member of the panel in Workshop on Prospects for English Studies: India and Britain Compared, The Open University, London in the Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia University, February 15-16, 2013.
Invited member of the panel in Workshop on Prospects for English Studies in Higher Education in India, The Open University, London in School for Languages, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, April 5-6, 2012.
‘Defilement and Sacrality: the poetry of Chokhamela’ at the International Conference on The Body in Culture: Culture of the Body, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, March 3-4, 2011.
‘Performance and satire in Medieval Indian Literature: the case of Eknath’s Bharuds’ at the Tenth CLAI Biennial International Conference on Social Imagination in Comparative Perspective: Languages, Cultures and Literatures, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar and Comparative Literature Association of India, Gandhinagar, March 3-6, 2011.
‘‘Maximum City: Mumbai, Spatial Politics and Representation’ at Spaces and Flows: an International Conference on Urban and Extra-Urban Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, December 4-6, 2010 (Virtual Submission with Kalpana Bora).
“The Bharuds of Eknath: Performance, Humour and Satire’ at the 21, European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies/Panel on Indian Satire in the First Period of Modernity, University of Bonn, Germany, July 26-29, 2010.
‘Glocal Bombay: Spatial Politics and Representation’ at the Conference on Conflict, Belonging and Multiculturalism, Sri Venkateshwara College, University of Delhi, November 5-7, 2009. (with Kalpana Bora)
‘Postmodern and/or Kitsch: the Poetry of Vikram Seth’ at the Conference on Indian English Poetry: the Last Twenty Five Years, Indian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies and NEHU, NEHU, Shillong, October 29-31, 2009.
‘Retrieving Voices of Protest: Approaches to Marginality’ at the International Conference on Indian and Cross-Cultural Approaches to Marginality, Centre for English Studies, School for Languages and Literature, Jawaharlal Nehru University, March 22-24, 2009.
‘Dissenting Voices: Continuities in the Varkari Tradition’ at the International Conference on Devotion and Dissent in Indian History, Centre for Historical Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, March 11-13, 2009.
‘Views from a Different India: Not Hinglish but Nagamese’ presented in absentia at the International Conference on Chutnefying English: the Cultural Politics of Hinglish, MICA, Mumbai, January 11-12, 2009.
‘Imperial Frontiers to National Borders: Narration, History and Identity in Ghosh’s The Glass Palace’ at the International Conference on Northeast India and its Transnational Neighbourhood, IIT Guwahati, January 17-18, 2008. (with Abhigyan Prasad)
Chaired the session ‘Knowledge, Art and Activism’ in the 9th International Conference on Knowledge-Systems in a Climate of Creativity: Indian Perspective, Forum on Contemporary Theory, Udaipur, December 17-20, 2006.
‘Fasting, Feasting: Food, Consumption and Politics of Power’ at the international conference on Food: Representation, Ideology and Politics, Centre for Advanced Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, November 16-18, 2006. (with Arpana Nath)
‘The Concept of the Good: Murdoch and Gandhi’ at the International Conference on Iris Murdoch: a Reassessment Kingston University, Kingston-upon-Thames, UK, September 2004.
‘Chokhamela and Namdev’ at the 6th International Conference on Guru Granth Sahib and World Peace, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, December 2003.
‘Kanakadas and the Haridasa Tradition’ at the 9th International Conference on Early Literatures in New Indo-Aryan Languages, Institute of Modern Indology, University of Heidelberg, Germany, July 2003.
Participant at the International workshop on Historicism and Cultural Politics, Forum on Contemporary Theory and India Studies Program, University of Louisiana, Shreveport, USA, M.S.University Baroda, October, 1999.
‘Of Uncritical Largess: Redefining the Postcolonial’ at the International Conference on Postcolonialism and the Discourses of Marginality, Forum on Contemporary Theory and India Studies Program, University of Louisiana, Shreveport, USA, Gopalpur-on-Sea, Orissa, December 1998.